The top dollar of a financed offer + the certainty of cash

A Leadoff cash offer is a win-win for your seller. It's a true cash offer from a highly qualified buyer with no financing or appraisal contingencies. And it's guaranteed to close.

The top dollar of a financed offer + the guarantee of cash

A Leadoff cash offer is a win-win for your seller. It's a true cash offer from a highly qualified buyer with no financing, appraisal or home sale contingencies. And it's guaranteed to close.

Learn about Leadoff

Give your sellers the best of both worlds

Never accept less, just because it's cash

Peak buying power

In negotiations, Leadoff cash buyers can often be more flexible than traditional cash buyers who may expect a discount.

Certainty of cash

Leadoff identifies exceptional buyers. We're so confident they'll close on time that we use our own funds to back their cash offers.

Guaranteed to close

If financing is delayed, Leadoff purchases the property on behalf of the buyer. Either way, the cash will be there at closing, guaranteed.

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How Leadoff works

Step 1

Get a Leadoff cash offer 💰

Great news. This offer is true cash, with no financing or appraisal contingencies and a guarantee that the cash will be there on closing day.

step 2

Accept the offer  🌟

It's not too good to be true, but if you have any questions at all, contact Leadoff directly or through the buyer's agent.

step 3

Confirm financing  💼

Leadoff assigns each buyer a team that works to close the sale on time. In the rare event the buyer's financing is delayed, Leadoff will purchase the home with cash so there's no risk for the seller.

step 4

Close the deal  🎉

Pop the champagne! You deserve it. You just delivered the best possible value for your seller.

Questions? Let's get them answered

Learn about Leadoff